Corporate Office Staff
Speaker Request Form
Greeting Request Form

Directory of Authorized Vendors

Search the authorized vendor listing using any of the criteria shown below.
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Become a Vendor

Businesses must be issued a vendor's contract to:

  1. Manufacture or sell retail products bearing the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. trademark or trade name;
  2. Sell paraphernalia or other items at any Sorority public function.

To all prospective and renewing vendors and manufacturers the 2024 AKA® Vendor and Manufacturers application is now closed. The 2025 Vendor Application Process will open in the Fall of 2024. Please feel free to check back at that time for more detailed information.

If you have any questions prior to the Vendor Application Processing year, please contact

Please note, you are not licensed or approved to produce or sell any registered or trademarked items until you have received a signed and executed contract from the AKA® Corporate Office.